
For Some, Fame Is Not Enough

An admittedly guilty pleasure of mine has been One Tree Hill on the CW since the inception of the show. It's had its eccentric bumps in plot lines and character development throughout the years, but last week the real life of one actor became more absurd than his characters'.

One Tree Hill's Skills Heading to Prison

What did he do? Classic DUI...embezzlement...NO.

Antwon Tanner (who's name is actually Antwon on the show- Skills is just his nick name) was sentenced to three months in prison after being found guilty of selling social security numbers.

There isn't too much information on where he got those SS numbers to begin with. I mean, he could probably sell some of his co-workers for a pretty penny. Turn them into fake IDs. You know.

What if celebrities started having their identities stolen? They really don't look that different from you or I on the street without the stage makeup, I promise.

So as disappointed as I am in Antwon, he reminded me of something. A family friend, Britney, was in Spain, and with the language barrier, she as a hooded-sunglassed-blonde girl was mistaken as Britney Spears. Let me tell you, she did not have to pay a dime that night.

Antwon, if you did steal Chad and Sophia's ID's you should argue in court that you were selling images and the opportunities for the rest of the public to taste the wonders of fame and fortune that you just so carelessly threw way. Why shouldn't the "common people" be entitled to a better everything? Because society capitalizes on everyone else wanting to do as the celebs do.

I propose a " LOS ANGELES IMPERSONATE THE CELEBRITY YOU LOOK MOST LIKE DAY". see if it gets you anything nice.

1 comment:

  1. There was recently a huge fad that went through Facebook that was very similar to this type of proposed event. A massive facebook group was created and if joiners recruited enough new people to join, the founders of the group would find your "celebrity look-a-like." Many facebook users changed their profile pictures to a celebrity that closely resembled their appearance. Mine personally was John F. Kennedy Junior...unfortunately, he has passed away, so I won't be able to see if it gets me anything nice, but perhaps there is someone else that I might impersonate. BJ Novak?
